The ISMS (Information Security Management System) Certification In ICT Center UniMAP
UniMAP ICT Centre has been certified and obtained the certification of MS ISO/IEC 27001:2007 from SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd and IQNet International Certification Network Network for the implementation of ISMS - Information Security Management System (Cert No: AR 5815) until 30th September 2015.
This certification has been obtained based on the First Surveillance Audit from SIRIM which had been implemented on 22nd to 24th January 2014. During the audit session, ICT Center had provided the related evidences regarding the compliance towards the documented procedures and policies.
Therefore, we seek the cooperation from of all UniMAP staff to support the implementation of the ISMS. This certificate were delivered by Vice Chancellor to Mr. Nasrudin Abd Shukor as Director of ICT Center UniMAP.
Mr. Nasrudin receive ISMS certificate from vice chancellor Datuk Kamarudin Hussin
CICT UniMAP ISMS 2nd Review Meeting
On 7th May 2014 CICT UniMAP had conduct 2nd Review Meeting taking place at CICT meeting room. This meeting attend by all staff and were conducted by
Mrs. Rohazna Wahab. All HOD(Head of Division) had a discussion with members in their group. This meeting is one of ISMS requirement which have to review
all the policy and documented procedure accordingly to make sure this requirement is fulfill. Next review meeting will be notify again by Administration Division as
ISMS official secretariat. Meeting were postponed at 12.00 noon.
ISMS Review Meeting
On 30th Of April 2014, Information Security Management Systems(ISMS) Review meeting was held at ICT UniMAP meeting room. This meeting start on 10.00 am with opening speech by Mr. Nasrudin Abd Shukor, Director of CICT UniMAP. All staff from all department take part in a group discussion. This review meeting is facilitate and observe by Mrs. Rohazna Abd Wahab. This review meeting is to fulfill the ISMS requirement. Director of CICT hope from this meeting it will gives opputurnity to all staff to take part and show their support and committment to the task. Related to main ISMS key which is CIA(Confidentiality,Integrity and Availability) Mr. Nasrudin said all CICT staff should play their role to makesure CICT UniMAP still relevant and successfully deliver not good but the best service to UniMAP.
The Heartbleed Bug is a serious vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library. This weakness allows stealing the information protected, under normal conditions, by the SSL/TLS encryption used to secure the Internet. SSL/TLS provides communication security and privacy over the Internet for applications such as web, email, instant messaging (IM) and some virtual private networks (VPNs).
The Heartbleed bug allows anyone on the Internet to read the memory of the systems protected by the vulnerable versions of the OpenSSL software. This compromises the secret keys used to identify the service providers and to encrypt the traffic, the names and passwords of the users and the actual content. This allows attackers to eavesdrop on communications, steal data directly from the services and users and to impersonate services and users.
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Windows XP support has ended
As of April 8, 2014, support and updates for Windows XP are no longer available. Don't let your PC go unprotected.
Click here for more information..
A huge chunk of the developer community is going for open source software nowadays, why don't you?
Wednesday, March 26, 2014: Content management systems, e-commerce platforms, mail servers etc. fall under the category of server software. These are very useful for developers in order to pursue various projects. But buying proprietary versions of these software is not an option for everyone. That is where open source comes in. Here are 16 alternatives for proprietary software in this arena. Watch this space for more.
1. Joomla
Taken from the official website:
Joomla is used all over the world to power Web sites of all shapes and sizes. For example:
Corporate Web sites or portals
Corporate intranets and extranets
Online magazines, newspapers, and publications
E-commerce and online reservations
Government applications
Small business Web sites
Non-profit and organizational Web sites
Community-based portals
School and church Web sites
Personal or family homepages
2. Drupal
From the website: Drupal is an open source content management platform powering millions of websites and applications. It’s built, used, and supported by an active and diverse community of people around the world.
Official description: Easy to use dynamic web content management system written in PHP.
4. Alfresco
This open source system can provide solutions for the following:
Team Collaboration
Document Management
Secure File Sharing
Mobile Content Management
Business Process Automation
Information Governance
5. DotNetNuke
This is amongst the best known web content management systems for ASP.NET. It is used by over 700,000 websites.
6. Get Simple
This is an open source XML-based content management system that is licensed under the GNU Public License.
7. Liferay
This is an open source software that can handle content and document management, shared workspaces, Web publishing, social networking, collaboration and identity management activities.
8. Magnolia
This is a very useful open source Java-based content management system that has clients from various countries and also amongst Fortune 500 companies.
9. WebGUI
From the website: The all-in-one CMS. With all it has to offer, the WebGUI Content Engine is the preferred choice for thousands of businesses, agencies, universities and schools who have discovered just how easy managing their Web sites can be.
10. Owl Intranet Knowledgebase
Compatible with both Linux and Windows operating systems, this CMS allows you to create a knowledge base for your website(s).
11. MySQL
This is amongst the most popular relational database management systems (RDBMS) in the world.
12. PostgreSQL
This is another well known object-RDBMS that is used by many developers around the world.
13. Firebird
This is another relational database that runs on Windows, Linux and a number of Unix-based platforms.
14. Magento
This is the fastest growing open source e-commerce platform available nowadays. It offers a number of useful features along with support for a variety of payment platforms.
15. PrestaShop
This e-commerce platform has numerous users around the world and runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms. It is an award winning platform.
16. Zen Cart
This is an OS independent platform that has been designed partly by e-commerce shop owners.
Original Source from :
The Universiti of Malaysia Perlis is one of the country’s fastest growing higher education institutions, increasing enrollment by about 7,500 percent in the past decade. This leading engineering university has multiple application servers, web services, and informational websites used by students and staff on more than 30 different campuses, as well as the general public.
According to Nasrudin Abd Shukor, Director of UniMAP’s Information and Communication Technology Center (ICT), the university required a solution to “ensure network performance, scalability, uninterrupted, ubiquitous online access, and foremost, to protect the multi-application environment from any loss of confidential data.” The university is subject to SQL injection attacks five to 10 times per hour.
click HERE for full reading >> PDF Version
The Universiti Malaysia Perlis is an institution of higher learning located at the northernmost part of the Malaysian peninsula. As a relatively new and modern institution, the Universiti of Malaysia (UniMAP) specializes in technology and engineering studies and has rapidly grown to over 7,500 students, faculty and staff across many campuses. UniMAP prides itself on developing entrepreneurship skills among its students
click HERE for full reading PDF version >> PDF Version
Pusat Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (UniMAP) telah menerima lawatan kerja rasmi dari Universiti Perguruan Sultan Idris (UPSI) pada 16 Julai 2013. Delegasi ini telah diwakili seramai lima staf Pusat Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi dari universiti berkenaan. Delegasi ini adalah diketuai oleh En Mohd Nazri Bin Saad selaku Pengarah, UPSI dan telah pun disambut oleh En Nasrudin Bin Abd Shukor beserta beberapa pegawai dari Pusat Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi UniMAP.
Sesi ‘briefing’ telah bermula seawal pada jam 2.00 petang dengan sesi pengenalan dan latar belakang penubuhan Pusat Teknologi Maklumat UniMAP yang disampaikan oleh En. Nasrudin Bin Abd Shukor sendiri sebelum diteruskan dengan sesi perbincangan dan Q&A antara staf dari kedua-dua universiti. Pengisian utama dalam kunjungan dari UNISEL ini adalah untuk membentangkan kaedah pelaksanaan Pengurusan Pusat Data yang diamalkan oleh Pusat Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi di universiti teragih UniMAP. Sesi perbincangan turut berkisar tentang pelaksanaan Pusat ICT UniMAP yang kini telahpun mendapatkan pengiktirafan MS ISO/IEC 27001:2007 untuk enam skopnya.
Diharapkan agar kunjungan balas ke UPSI dapat diusul untuk diluluskan oleh YBhg. Pengarah Pusat Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi UniMAP.
31 May 2013, ICT Director, Mr.Nasrudin Abd Shukor's visits the site development of ICT Data Centre Campus Pauh Putra. It is a mandatory procedure to monitor the process of development so that it is comply to the specifications that was set before.
The visit was accompanied by the ICT Data Centre Project Manager, Ir. Jais, together with the ICT staff, Mr.Mohamad Najeeb and Mr. Shahril Harun.
On 01.28.2013 a meeting of the structured cabling system installation in UniCiti was held in Conference Room Sungai Chuchuh Uniciti site. It is chaired by the Director of ICT Centre UniMAP En. Nasrudin and accompanied by 4 ICT center staffs, En.Taufik, En. Zhafri, En. Arzemi, and En.Helmy.
Also involved in the meeting was representatives from Proven, Telekom and Eselink Resources Sdn Bhd's contractor.
On 9 th January, a return visit was done by UTeM led by En Mohd Isa to ICT UniMAP. The purpose is to share knowledge and technology used in developing the university at par with other established universities in
ICT. This shows a very strong and tight cooperations between these two universities
This course meets the formal training requirements for individuals seeking certification under the IRCA ISMS Auditor Certification Scheme and for this purpose is valid for three years from the date of course completion.
List of staff with this certification:
1. Nasrudin Abd Shukor
2. Rohazna Wahab
3. Madaliatun-najah Mahmud
4. Nor Azima Abu Seman
5. Nor Shubaily Khamis
6. Farihan Ghazali
7. Mohd Hizazy Yusof
8. Azamin Zainol Abidin
On 1st of March 2017, CICT staffs have been assigned as aerobic assistant instructors during weekly muster with the university's top management. Director of CICT, Mr. Nasrudin Abd Shukor also involved in this activities which showed that he always concerned about activities conducted involving UniMAP.